DRAFTED BEFORE WEDDING...published after!
Well the big day is only one sleep away and....yes....I...am....nervous. So what does a nervous bride do with herself in such a state I hear you say, put her feet up? Hit the bottle? No- a blog post is my tipple of choice! With all the wedding paraphernalia now boxed up and ready for its journey to the venue there is very little else I can do other than share a few of my last minute wedding crafts.
I have already shared quite a few photos but there a few essential makes which I have been saving for you...
Table Plan
Our table plan has very much been a labour of love for me. When I first set out on my quest to have a handmade vintage wedding I had no idea what to name the tables. I spent so long trawling through the wedding forums for inspiration and nothing seemed to stand out. What I did know is that I definitely didn't want just numbers.
In the end I came up with the idea of naming the tables after places where the other half and I have lived over the years. When I say places, I don't mean towns, (but this is another popular idea) more along the lines of street names and building names from our childhood, university and present home. It seems to represent us quite well.
Next, I found the beautiful vintage floral fabric and covered an A1 sized piece of MDF first with foam and then the fabric. My imagination then ran wild with the music sheets (yes I did resort to good old tea bags to create a vintage effect!), ribbon and lace. I printed out the table lists and then pegged them onto the ribbons with miniature pegs. And voila the table plan is complete. If you are planning to make something similar you should probably check that your venue provides an easel on which to display the table plan.
Sweet Buffet
Sweets for my sweets | Sugar for my honey...
All my sweets in a row! |
This idea was quite last minute if I am being honest but I am really glad we decided to go ahead with it as I am sure it will prove a popular part of the day with the sweet tooths! Some people might think that doing a sweet buffet is an added expense which is a lot of hassle to arrange....think again- the jars are from Ikea, sweets from Makro, and the labels are all home made save for the 'Keep Calm' labels which were from the internet. All in all I reckon you could do a complete buffet for around £60-70.
There are some really lovely websites out there that offer wedding DIY printables. This will help you to create the jar labels and signs for the table. The sky is the limit with creativity really and if I had more time I probably would have had a go at a sweet tree (think polystyrene ball, cocktail sticks and more sweets).
A word about poms....I made tissue paper poms for a cute little extra. I have to say that they are so easy to make but are very impressive once finished.
1. In a nutshell- take about 8 sheets of tissue paper.
2. Cut down to size (if you use full size sheets this will create one humongous pom- trust me!).
3. Stack the sheets on top of one another and then fold into a concertina.
4. Fold the concertina in half and crease. Snip the ends of the concertina either into a point or rounded off depending upon the look you are going for (spiky or rounded!).
5. Wrap a thin piece of wire around the middle of the concertina and then start peeling away the layers and 'puffing' them out. Once you have gone through all the layers you should have a ball shaped pom! Wrap some ribbon around the wire centre and then bobs your uncle! Ready made pom....pom pom pom.